Sudden Events: Injury, Stroke, Seizures, Fainting and Inflammation
Home » Sudden Events: Injury, Stroke, Seizures, Fainting and Inflammation

Stroke results from disrupted blood flow to parts of the brain. Blindness, altered speech and paralysis occurs in various combinations. Sometimes temporary blockages may be a warning so that a preventative intervention may forestall a disabling stroke.
Seizures are electrical storms in the brain that may result in spells that range from subtle inattention to dramatic convulsions. The storms may be triggered by growing tumors so that early evaluation may be necessary to identify ominous pathology.
A temporary drop in blood pressure may occur. When the brain is starved of blood, unconsciousness results. This sort of event often occurs with a person standing and becoming woozy, turning pale and slumping to the ground.
The immune system guards against microbial invaders. Unfortunately, mistakes occur. The immune cells may confuse brain tissue with microbes so that inadvertent self-destruction occurs resulting in blindness, localized numbness, unsteadiness and paralysis.
All of these sudden catastrophes can be treated. An effective strategy starts with a thorough history including a discussion with witnesses to an event. A neurological examination may disclose subtle clues to a diagnosis. A thorough understanding and deployment of advanced imaging and diagnostic technologies is most often required for a personalized assessment and for a properly targeted therapy. A holistic approach, using therapies drawn from a broad range of possibilities should be considered including diet, exercise, nutritional support, alternative and complementary approaches, conventional medicine and cutting edge and investigational regenerative approaches. Approaches as far-ranging as optimizing sleep to improving the gut-brain connection may be needed in individual cases.